Tuesday, August 1, 2017


It's been about a year and a half since my agent and I accepted a two-book deal with HarperTeen. Now, after many months of waiting, THESE THINGS I'VE DONE is officially out in the world!

I'm extremely proud of this book. It was my most challenging one to date, and I worked so hard on it. Seeing it on shelves is pure joy.

I'm forever grateful to my wonderful agent, Eric Smith. These past almost-two-years as Eric's client have been such a pleasure, and I'm so excited for whatever's next on this journey of ours. Being part of #TeamRocks is the absolute best.

I've thanked Cara Bertrand 1000 times already, and I'll probably thank her 1000 times more. This book started in her brain, and I was just lucky enough to have her share it with me.

Thank you all the amazing bloggers who are participating in my blog tour this week! Keep an eye on my Twitter, because I'll be sharing some cool giveaways over the next few days!

Here's where you can buy THESE THINGS I'VE DONE:

Barnes and Noble
Indie Bound

As always, thanks to my family and friends for their supportive messages, RTs, Facebook posts, and just generally being awesome. I appreciate you all! 💕