Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quarterfinals, baby!

[To follow my ABNA journey from the very beginning, click the ABNA label at the bottom of this post]

On Tuesday, much to my shock, I advanced to the quarterfinals in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest. I swear, I almost fell out of my chair. Then I did a little dance. Then I squealed a little. Then I told everyone I knew. It was awesome.

Publisher's Weekly will read and review my full manuscript. I am terrified. What if they hate it? What if the person has something against contemporary YA? On the other hand, what if they LIKE it and I advance to the top 50? I think my head would literally explode. The next round will be announced on April 24, which is also my 13th wedding anniversary. I know that I will not sleep or eat that day. Double celebration? Let's hope.

My excerpt is up at, but there are formatting issues with everyone's entries so I want to wait until that's resolved before I link the page to my family and friends.

I'm stoked.