Monday, January 5, 2015

Last Year, This Year, and Beyond

2014 was an exciting year in my writing life.

In February, I finished the manuscript I started during the 2013 National Novel Writing Month. The final product is a novel I'm very much proud of called ANY OTHER GIRL. You can read about it HERE.

In May, this happened:

In June, I started writing UNTIL sixth book, my first New Adult, and the third book in my JUST YOU series.

In September, I saw this cover for the first time...

In October, UNTIL NOW was released and the cover for FAKING PERFECT was revealed on Barnes and Noble.

What's coming up in 2015?

  • All things FAKING PERFECT, which will be released on June 30 (but you can pre-order it right now!)
  • I'll write a new YA book, which will be different (and darker) than anything I've attempted before. I look forward to the challenge.
  • In the second half of 2015, I'll shift focus to ANY OTHER GIRL, which is due out in February 2016 with Kensington Publishing.
  • I'll continue on with this crazy, busy, wonderful ride called Full-Time Author.

I wish you all the best of luck in 2015!

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